Thursday, October 28, 2010

The last of Alaska

 I'm sure by now you are sick of reading about my season in Alaska, but when I put my pictures of  Chicago on my computer, I found a few more...  These are from the ferry ride to Juneau with Miss Bethesda, one of the most beautiful people I know!
Beautiful fall colors.

 It was pretty stormy that day, and really windy.  Around every bend there was a new rainbow to see. These are two pictures of different rainbows. (if you want to see them bigger, just click on them, and any others you want to have a closer look at).

 Miss Beth was very tired and decided to take a nap on some chairs (which were not very comfy) this short sleep ended in some wicked face creases!

Here is Beth pre-nap enjoying some cool fall air

Caution- Don't do this! (this was on the sign to the Mendenhal Glacier trail)
The beautiful Mendenhal glacier in Juneau.  You can see little ice burgs floating around too.

Us crazy girls at the glacier.

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